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My Favorite Floral Design Books

I'm Kaylyn!

Welcome! I'm a floral designer based in Los Angeles sharing my love of flowers, the garden, home, and traveling. I'm so glad you're here. 

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I wouldn’t call myself a collector but over the years I’ve gathered many books that continue to be a source of inspiration for floral design and gardening. In both areas, I tend to fall into certain rhythms and these books help me push in areas that feel unfamiliar or introduce me to new stems or color palettes that I eventually fall in love with.

Each of the authors and their publications have created incredible resources that I know will be a wonderful addition to your shelves. If you’re looking familiarize yourself with stems or if you’re starting your own cutting garden, there is something below for you.

Happy designing and happy planting. 🤍 Let me know what books are your go to!

My Favorite Floral Design & Gardening Books

  1. On Flowers by Amy Merrick | Amy Merrick, from a distance, introduced me to the art of floral design. Her work captivated me over a decade ago and I still consider her one of my greatest sources of inspiration.
  2. In Full Flower by Gemma & Andrew Ingalls | There are quite a few wonderful florists featured in this book. If you are looking to define your own personal style, this would be a great reference.
  3. Flower Color Guide by Putnam & Putnam | This one stays on desk. It’s an excellent source for familiarizing yourself with stems and colors. I use it often when I creating recipes and placing orders.
  4. Flower Color Theory by Putnam & Putnam | A great read to explore different color theories and combinations.
  5. Foraged Flora by Louesa Roebuck  &  Sarah Lonsdale | This book drew me more and more into designing with the seasons. It also taught me to keep a lookout on long walks or long car rides.
  6. Color Me Floral by Kiana Underwood | Another book for your library on color theory. This one I am partial to because I love a monochromatic color palette.
  7. The Kinfolk Garden by John Burns | I flip through this every spring. I could dedicate years of patio gardening to this book. Lots of inspiration here from all over the world. Whether you are working with a small patio like myself or acres of land, there’s something to inspire in these pages.
  8. Black Flora: Profiles of Inspiring Black Flower Farmers + Florists by Teresa J. Speight | A spotlight
  9. A Year In Flowers by Erin Benzakein | Erin of Floret Flower Farm captures the process of growing and designing your own flowers. The images are stunning and the photography is awe inspiring. Have fun gushing over all of the varieties!
  10. The Flower Recipe Book by Alethea Harampolis &  Jill Rizzo  | This is one of the first floral design books I bought. A true old faithful if you ask me.
  11. Cultivated: The Elements of Floral Style by Christin Geall  | An absolutely stunning book that you could stare at for days. I like to grab this as a reference when pulling inspiration from other mediums.

A Few More Favorites…

Roses: An Inspirational Guide to Choosing and Growing the Best Roses by Michael V Marriott 

Gardenista: The Definitive Guide to Stylish Outdoor Spaces by Michelle Slatalla

Floret Farm’s Cut Flower Garden: Grow, Harvest, and Arrange Stunning Seasonal Blooms by Erin Benzakein

Ikebana Unbound: A Modern Approach to the Ancient Japanese Art of Flower Arranging by Amanda Luu & Ivanka Matsuba

Home in Bloom: Lessons for Creating Floral Beauty in Every Room by Ariella Chezar

The Flower Hunter: Seasonal flowers inspired by nature and gathered from the garden by Lucy Hunter

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After almost 12  years working with flowers, I can honestly say, I'm still not over them. This career has been the happiest accident of my life and I can't imagine  a life without flowers. What started out as hobby became my dream career. It has taken me all over the world, introduced me to new people and to new cultures, challenged me, and has given me the opportunity to be a fly on the wall to the most beautiful celebrations of love. It has been a joy.   

This space is meant to share my work, but also a bit of my life. I've learned over the years that flowers make  their way into so much of what I do, in work and life,  so I'll be sharing that here! For a bit of floral inspiration or where we've traveled (what garden should we head to next?), head over to the blog. To work together (the sky's the limit), click below.  Thanks for being here. 

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