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The Flower Fields in Columbia | Part One

I'm Kaylyn!

Welcome! I'm a floral designer based in Los Angeles sharing my love of flowers, the garden, home, and traveling. I'm so glad you're here. 

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This year I’ve had the joy of traveling to Columbia twice to visit farms and see some of my favorite flowers gown and cared for. They have both been a dream trip for a florist, and I feel so thankful that I get to go to these parts of the world.

Jumpsuit, Boots, and Jacket.

My first trip was to Alexandra Farms outside of Bogota Columbia in February. They are dear friends who specialize in garden roses. So, one of the happiest places on earth. When I get pressed to say a favorite flower, I always say garden roses because they are truly so special. From all of the different varieties, to their colors, and how they smell, there’s a little bit for everyone and I love that about them.

Jeans, Jacket, and Bodysuit.

We walked the fields, laughed, and a made a few new friends that I will cherish this memory with for a long time. We were florists that came from all over the world to play with roses for a few days and it was dream.

We talked about new varieties in production that I think you’ll love, and we took a short 5 hours to just design and create. I haven’t had that much time to design for fun and it was so wonderful to do that around such a lovely group of people.

I played around with some of my favorite varieties: Caffe Latte, Golden Mustard, Sahara Sensation, Symbol, and Sola. I sprinkled in jasmine, hellebore, and a new favorite ingredient, tea treas.

It was the BEST trip and I can’t wait to share part two (and maybe three) of my trip this past week. It was just as magical and I was able to visit 5 farms during my week long stay. Talk soon!

xx Kaylyn

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After almost 12  years working with flowers, I can honestly say, I'm still not over them. This career has been the happiest accident of my life and I can't imagine  a life without flowers. What started out as hobby became my dream career. It has taken me all over the world, introduced me to new people and to new cultures, challenged me, and has given me the opportunity to be a fly on the wall to the most beautiful celebrations of love. It has been a joy.   

This space is meant to share my work, but also a bit of my life. I've learned over the years that flowers make  their way into so much of what I do, in work and life,  so I'll be sharing that here! For a bit of floral inspiration or where we've traveled (what garden should we head to next?), head over to the blog. To work together (the sky's the limit), click below.  Thanks for being here. 

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